Playing Games Across the Superintelligence Divide


Humans may one day create superintelligence, artificially intelligent machines that surpass mankind's intellect. Would these artificial intelligences choose to play games with us, and if so, which games?  We believe this question is relevant for the ethics of general AI, the current widespread integration of AI systems into daily life, and for game AI research.  We present a catalog of scenarios, some good for humanity and some bad, in which various kinds of play might take place between humans and intelligent machines. We assume a superintelligence, because of its greater cognitive ability, would stand in a similar relation to us as an adult does to a child, an expert to a novice, or a human to an animal.  We define friendly games, learning games, observational games, and domination games, and proceed to consider games adults play with children, experts play with novices, and humans play with animals. Reasoning by analogy, we imagine corresponding games that superintelligences might choose to play with us, finding that domination games would pose a significant risk to humanity.  


  Human/Child Expert/Novice Human/Animal
Friendly Peek-a-boo, Tea Party, Hide & Seek, Building Blocks Handicapping in Go or Golf Hamster Wheels, Dog Toys, Polo, Racing
Learning  Candy Land, Tic-Tac-Toe, Tee-Ball, Chutes & Laddres, Trivial Pursuit for Kids Tutoring, Mentoring, Coaching Dog Tricks
Observation  Playground Park Bench, Spectating Kids Sports, Psychological Studies Spectating Professional Sports Birdwatching, Dog Park, Fish Tank
Domination Forcing Play, Tickling Player Killing, Griefing Bull Fighting, Rodeo, Fishing, Hunting, Biotic Games


[PDF] Isaksen, A., Togelius, J., Lantz, F., and Nealen, A.  "Playing Games Across the Superintelligence Divide".  Thirtieth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-16), Workshop on AI, Ethics, and Society.  2016.



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