- Illuminating Diverse Neural Cellular Automata for Level Generation
- Path of Destruction: Learning an Iterative Level Generator Using a Small Dataset
IJCAI: The Arts AND Creativity Track 2022
- Baba is Y’all 2.0: Design and Investigation of a Collaborative Mixed-Initiative System
- Transfer Dynamics in Emergent Evolutionary Curricula
IEEE Transaction on Games
- Predicting Personas Using Mechanic Frequencies and Game State Traces
- Persona-driven Dominant/Submissive Map (PDSM) Generation for Tutorials
- Watts: Infrastructure for Open-Ended Learning
ICLR Workshop on Agent Learning in Open-Endedness (ALOE 2022)
- The AI Settlement Generation Challenge in Minecraft: First Year Report
KI-Künstliche Intelligenz 2020
- Learning Controllable Content Generators
CoG '21
- Physics-informed attention-based neural network for solving non-linear partial differential equations
- Self-Referential Quality Diversity Through Differential Map-Elites
- Impressions of the GDMC AI Settlement Generation Challenge in Minecraft
- Game Mechanic Alignment Theory
International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games 2021
- Lode Encoder: AI-constrained co-creativity
2021 IEEE Conference on Games (CoG)
- Bootstrapping conditional GANs for video game level generation
IEEE Conference on Games 2020
- Tree Search versus Optimization Approaches for Map Generation
- Word Autobots: Using Transformers for Word Association in the Game Codenames
- Rotation, Translation, and Cropping for Zero-Shot Generalization
IEEE Conference on Games 2020
- Mario Level Generation From Mechanics Using Scene Stitching
Foundations of Digital Games Conference
- Mech-Elites: Illuminating the Mechanic Space of GVGAI
- Fully Differentiable Procedural Content Generation through Generative Playing Networks
- Interactive Constrained MAP-Elites Analysis and Evaluation of the Expressiveness of the Feature Dimensions
- Adversarial Encoder-Multi-Task-Decoder for Multi-Stage Processes
- Unified Multi-Domain Learning and Data Imputation using Adversarial Autoencoder
- Baba is Y’all: Collaborative Mixed-Initiative Level Design
- Towards Designer Modeling through Design Style Clustering
- Evaluating the Rainbow DQN Agent in Hanabi with Unseen Partners
- Generating and Adapting to Diverse Ad-Hoc Cooperation Agents in Hanabi
- Multi-Objective level generator generation with Marahel
PCGWorkshop 2020
- Capturing Local and Global Patterns in Procedural Content Generation via Machine Learning
IEEE Conference on Games 2020
- Scheduling Tasks for Software Crowdsourcing Platforms to Reduce Task Failure
- Multi-Stage Transfer Learning with an Application to Selection Process
ECAI 2020
- Illuminating Mario Scenes in the Latent Space of a Generative Adversarial Network
- Co-generation of game levels and game-playing agents
AIIDE 2020
- Mixed-Initiative Level Design with RL Brush
- Deep Learning for Procedural Content Generation
Neural Computing and Applications 2020
- Behavioral Evaluation of Hanabi Rainbow DQN Agents and Rule-based Agents
AIIDE 2020
- Evaluating RL Agents in Hanabi with Unseen Partners
AAAI-20 Workshop on Reinforcement Learning in Games
- Temporal Projected Word Embeddings for Predicting Future Job Requirements.
The Natural Language, Dialog and Speech (NDS) Symposium of The New York Academy of Sciences
- Obstacle Tower: A Generalization Challenge in Vision, Control, and Planning
IJCAI 2019
- General Video Game AI: a multi-track framework for evaluating agents, games and content generation algorithms
TOG 2019
- Intentional Computational Level Design
GECCO 2019
- ELIMINATION from Design to Analysis
COG 2019
- Procedural Content Generation through Quality Diversity
COG 2019
- Level Design Patterns in 2D Games
COG 2019
- ”Superstition” in the Network: Deep Reinforcement Learning Plays Deceptive Games
AIIDE 2019
- Leveling the playing field: fairness in AI versus human game benchmarks
FDG '19
- Evolving the Hearthstone Meta
COG 2019
- Diverse Agents for Ad-Hoc Cooperation in Hanabi
COG 2019
- Talakat: Bullet Hell Generation through Constrained Map-Elites
GECCO 2018
- Illuminating Generalization in Deep Reinforcement Learning through Procedural Level Generation
NeurIPS Deep RL Workshop 2018
- Data Agent
FDG 2018
- Generating Levels That Teach Mechanics
FDG 2018 PCG Workshop
- AtDelfi: Automatically Designing Legible, Full Instructions for Games
FDG 2018 - Best Paper Award Winner
- Generative Design in Minecraft (GDMC), Settlement Generation Competition
FDG 2018 PCG Workshop
- Accelerating Empowerment Computation with UCT Tree Search
CIG 2018
- Evolving Agents for the Hanabi 2018 CIG Competition
CIG 2018 Competition Paper
- Towards Game-based Metrics for Computational Co-Creativity
CIG 2018 Vision Paper
- Generating Novice Heuristics for Post-Flop Poker
CIG 2018
- Generating Beginner Heuristics for Simple Texas Hold’em
GECCO 2018
- AI-assisted Game Debugging with Cicero
IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (2018)
- Deep Interactive Evolution
Evomusart 2018
- CICERO: Computationally Intelligent Collaborative Environment for game and level design.
Computational Creativity and Games Workshop (CCGW at ICCC 2017)
- SeekWhence – A Retrospective Analysis Tool for General Game Design
Foundations of Digital Games (FDG 2017)
- Semantic Hashing for Video Game Levels
Game & Puzzle Design, Vol 3 No 1, 2017.
- Multi-objective Adaptation of a Parameterized GVGAI Agent Towards Several Games
EMO 2017
- Evolving game-specific UCB alternatives for General Video Game Playing
EVOGames 2017
- DeepTingle
ICCC 2017
- General Video Game Rule Generation
CIG 2017
- Marahel: A Language for Constructive Level Generation
EXAG 2017
- “Press Space To Fire”: Automatic Video Game Tutorial Generation
EXAG 2017
- Score Distribution Analysis, Artificial Intelligence, And Player Modeling For Quantitative Game Design
- AI-based Playtesting of Contemporary Board Games
Foundations of Digital Games 2017
- AI as Evaluator: Search Driven Playtesting of Modern Board Games
AAAI 2017 Workshop on What's Next for AI in Games
- Shopping for Game Mechanics
Procedural Content Generation Workshop (PCG 2016)
- Evolving UCT Alternatives for General Video Game Playing
GIGA 2016
- Generating Heuristics for Novice Players
CIG 2016
- Predicting Resource Locations in Game Maps Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
- Computational Intelligence and Cognitive Performance Assessment Games
CIG 2016
- Matching Games and Algorithms for General Video Game Playing
AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment, 2016.
- MetaCompose: A Compositional Evolutionary Music Composer.
Proceedings of EvoMusArt, 2016.
- Constrained Level Generation through Grammar-Based Evolutionary Algorithms
Proceedings of EvoApplications, 2016.
- Online Evolution for Multi-Action Adversarial Games
Proceedings of EvoApplications, 2016
- EvoCommander: A Novel Game Based on Evolving and Switching Between Artificial Brains.
IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games, 2016
- General Video Game Level Generation
Proceedings of GECCO, 2016
- Playing Games Across the Superintelligence Divide
AAAI-16 Workshop on AI, Ethics, and Society, 2016.
- Modifying MCTS for Human-like General Video Game Playing
International Joint Conference on AI, 2016
- Detecting Predatory Behaviour in Game Chats
IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games. 2015.
- BrainCrafter: An Investigation Into Human-based Neural Network Engineering
IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC). 2015
- Balanced Civilization Map Generation based on Open Data
IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC). 2015
- SMUG: Scientific Music Generator
- Monte-Carlo Tree Search for Simulated Car Racing
Foundations of Digital Games (FDG).
- AI-based Game Design Patterns
Foundations of Digital Games (FDG) (2015)
- Procedural Generation of 3D Caves for Games on the GPU
Foundations of Digital Games (FDG) (2015)
- Game mechanics telling stories? An experiment.
Foundations of Digital Games (FDG) (2015)
- Patterns, Dungeons, and Generators
Foundations of Digital Games (FDG) (2015)
- Hackademics: A Case for Game Jams At Academic Conferences
FDG Workshop on Game Jams, Hackathons and Game Creation Events. (2015)
- Data Adventures
Proceedings of the FDG Workshop on Procedural Content Generation. 2015.
- Composing Video Game Levels with Music Metaphors through Functional Scaffolding
Proceedings of the ICCC Workshop on Computational Creativity and Games. 2015
- Towards generating arcade game rules with VGDL
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games. 2015.
- Investigating MCTS Modifications in General Video Game Playing
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games. 2015.
- Neuroevolution in Games: State of the Art and Open Challenges
IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games. 2015.
- Comparing Player Skill, Game Variants, and Learning Rates with Survival Analysis.
Player Modeling Workshop hosted by AAAI AIIDE, 2015.
- AniMesh: Interleaved Animation, Modeling, and Editing
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 2015.
- Procedural Personas as Critics for Dungeon Generation.
In Applications of Evolutionary Computation, Springer, 2015.
- Monte-Carlo Tree Search for Persona Based Player Modeling
Eleventh Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment Conference, 2015.
- Evolving Models of Player Decision Making: Personas versus Clones
Entertainment Computing, 2015.
- Discovering Unique Game Variants,
In Computational Creativity and Games Workshop, hosted by ICCC 2015.
- Catch-Up: A Game in Which the Lead Alternates.
Journal of Game & Puzzle Design. Vol 1, No. 2. 2015.
- Comparing Player Skill, Game Variants, and Learning Rates Using Survival Analysis.
In AI and Interactive Digital Entertainment, Player Modeling Workshop. 2015.
- Exploring Game Space Using Survival Analysis.
Foundations of Digital Games, 2015, Best Paper in AI and Game Technology.
- Multimodal PTSD Characterization via the StartleMart Game
Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces, 2014
- Personas versus Clones for Player Decision Modeling.
Entertainment Computing, 2014
- Generative Agents for Player Decision Modeling in Games.
Foundations of Digital Games, 2014.
- Designing for the Physical Margins of Digital Workspaces: Fidget Widgets in Support of Productivity and Creativity
TEI '14
- Who You Are by way of What You Are: Behavioral Biometric Approaches to Authentication
SOUPS 2014: Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security. Who are you?! Adventures in Authentication: WAY Workshop. Menlo Park, California. July, 2014.
- Evolving Personas for Player Decision Modeling
IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games, 2014.
- Pixelated Image Abstraction with Integrated User Constraints.
Computers & Graphics, 2013.
- Ascension: a Case Study in Deckbuilding Games
Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA), 2013.
- The Games for Health Prototype.
Foundations of Digital Games, Research and Experimental Games Festival, 2013
- Stress Detection for PTSD via the StartleMart Game
Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), 2013 Humaine Association Conference, 2013
- Fidget Widgets: Secondary Playful Interactions in Support of Primary Serious Tasks.
ACM SIGCHI Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2013
- Open Sesame: Re-envisioning the Design of a Gesture-based Access Control System.
ACM SIGCHI Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2013
- Decision Making Styles as Deviation from Rational Action. A Super Mario Case Study.
Proceedings of the Ninth Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment, 2013.
- Towards Validating Game Scenarios for Teaching Conflict Resolution.
Foundations of Digital Games, Games for Learning Workshop, 2013